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How Farmers Can Boost Their Poultry Feeds with Bio-Slurry

In the grip of economic struggles in an already rough economy whose tides never seem to cool, poultry farming has become a popular financial escape route for many farmers, small- and large-scale alike, to provide the much-needed income refuge amidst relentless price hikes.

According to them all, poultry farming is one of the most profitable self-employment ventures in the country right now, requiring only minimal investment to start—especially chicken keeping. The profits are good, and the market is there; however, to maintain a continuous income, which is from the sale of eggs and meat that are the products of hens, many still admit to grappling with the major challenge of feed shortages and the rising cost of poultry feeds.

To address these issues, individual farmers have come up with improved and cost-sensitive methods to boost chicken feeds while simultaneously enhancing their nutritional value. One such method to be discussed today is the use of bio-slurry.

What is a bio-slurry?

Bio-slurry is a waste of biogas with various benefits, commonly used as manure and as feed for fish, cattle and poultry. It is made from digested manure, kitchen scraps, and crop waste, among other organic materials.

Usually a liquid that is light brown or dark green in colour, it is formed inside the biodigester as a result of an anaerobic digestion process that occurs without oxygen, leaving behind organic matter as bio-slurry.

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In this discussion, as a by-product of biogas production, bio-slurry is a nutrient-rich material that can serve as a valuable supplement in chicken feed. It contains a variety of minerals that contribute to poultry health and growth;

Benefits of feeding chicken with bio-slurry

Here is a breakdown of the key minerals that make bio-slurry a rich supplement for chicken feed:

1. Nitrogen – Bio-slurry is high in nitrogen, often in the form of ammonia, due to the breakdown of proteins in the biodigester. This supports protein synthesis in chickens, boosting growth and egg production.

2. Phosphorus – The anaerobic digestion process enhances phosphorus availability, which is critical for bone development and eggshell formation.

3. Potassium – High potassium levels in bio-slurry aid in electrolyte balance and muscle function in chickens. Feedstocks common in Kenya, such as dairy cow manure or kitchen waste, contribute to this mineral’s presence.

4. Calcium – The calcium content in bio-slurry boosts eggshell quality and skeletal health in poultry.

5. Magnesium – Present in smaller but significant amounts, magnesium supports metabolic processes and bone health in chickens.

Additionally, bio-slurry’s reduced pathogen load and the production of other nutrients like vitamin B12 (for healthy growth and proper nervous system function) during fermentation further enhance its value as a chicken feed supplement.

The breakdown of organic matter during anaerobic digestion generally increases the bioavailability of these minerals in bio-slurry, making it a more effective feed supplement to benefit your poultry’s health.

How to feed your chickens bio-slurry

Preparing a nutritious chicken feed supplement with bio-slurry is simple. Follow these easy steps:

1. Fetch the bio-slurry from the pit

2. Pour the slurry into the chicken feed (½ litre of slurry per 2 kg of feed)
3. Mix the slurry thoroughly with the chicken feed

bioslurry benefits
4. Feed the chickens

Bio-slurry is highly nutritious, odourless, and pathogen-free.

Feeding practices
  • Introduction: Start with small amounts to monitor how your chickens respond. Offer the mix in feeders they are used to, ensuring it is dry and crumbly.
  • Frequency: Feed daily as part of their regular ration. For laying hens, combine with a calcium source (e.g., crushed eggshells) separately to meet egg production needs.
  • Observation: Watch for signs of digestive upset, such as loose droppings, and adjust the bio-slurry portion if needed.

As Kenya continues to face economic challenges in the agricultural sector, innovative methods like this have proven to be game-changers. With more farmers adopting this approach, poultry farming is expected to benefit from reduced production costs and improved food security, proving its enormous potential in improving farmers’ livelihoods.

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